Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A). People were Photoshopping images in the Middle East to the point where it was unacceptable. A photographer, Adnan Hajj, manipulated at least 2 photos during the Lebanon War. Haj was not the only photographer to do this. Around the same time other photographers were manipulating photos as well.

B). This type of photo editing  is unacceptable because it's going on and adding and/or deleting people or objects in the photo that should not be added/deleted. It's okay to edit the photo to make it look better but deleting people out of a photo that should be in there is just unacceptable.

In my opinion this is the most unethical photo because George Bush never debated against Saddam Hussein, thereforeGeorge should of never been photo shopped into the photo. It's just not right to do that to somone.

In my opinion this photo is the least unethical because you can't even tell that the pyramids are put closer together. I would of never known if i never read it.

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