Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When You Get Caught- Warm Up

1. Yes, I think he should get a second chance because everyone deserves one. What that photographer did was not right but it was one mistake out of the many photos he took.

2. No, I don't think his photographer should be tainted for his one mistake he made. It wouldn't be fair if he could never shoot again just because of the mistake he made.

3. News organizations should have those rules about photography because if somebody took a picture and added/deleted something from the photo, then the photo would be something totally different that what was captured. It wouldn't be right.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yearbook Introduction

25 things that should be in a yearbook:
-School Name
-Pictures from student events throughout the year
-Students statements on some things
-Pictures from everybody in each class
-Student life
-The Students
-Other staff memebers
-Table of Contents/ index
-Yearbook creators
-Special area for the seniors
-Team pictures for each team/club
-Pictures from students working in class
- Students outside of school
-School Trips(if any)
-Award for,etc.(if any)
- School dances
-Seniors and their future
-Students & their family
-Spirit Week
-Students work the created
-Football Season

1. Simply Connected
2. Klein Oak High School
3. Everyone in the school is connected to one another
4. There are 5 sections
5. My favorite spread was the special olympics
6. Yes there is an index.
7. No, there are just pictures of events that they did along with individual pictures of each person in the club.
8. Yes there is a table of contents.
9. a total of 1,929 kids attend this school.
10. Texas

Magazine Covers Peer Review

Magazine #1
1. NPhoto by Audrey Dunne
2. The photo used for the cover was a very creative idea along with the word font.
3. There is a little too much white on the cover with the words.
4. The paint smeared all over the girl attracted my eyes. It was a unique idea to do that in her portrait.
5. Yes, there is a bar code.
6. Yes the bar code made it more "magazine-like".
7. I think it was a self portrait.

Magazine #2
1. Swagazine by Gavin McGee
2. The portrait used for the cover wads really good especially since it was in black & white there weren't any distracting colors.
3. Some of the title of the magazine is covered by the top of his head making it hard to read the title of the magazine.
4. The name of the magazine was quite unique....never thought I would see that,
5. Yes there is a bar code.
6. Yes, I think the bar code made it look more "magazine like"
7. I think it was a self portrait.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Peer Review

My favorite image was Connected. You did a really good job of showing connection between the couple. The black and white looked good with the photo as well, since there weren't any distracting colors, you could just focus on the subject. I understood the subject of the photo right when I saw it. Great Job!
My least favorite photo was 8 because the figure 8 was not in focus and the writing behind the 8 made it distracting to focus on the subject.
The quality of your photos were really good. Most of all your photos were in focus and I could easily understand which photo went with each prompt. You did a good job!
A few of your photos were a little blurry and out of focus so just try to focus on the subject more without blur.
I think you did a fantastic job at portraying all of your prompts!

Monday, January 13, 2014

5 Websites

 Website #1: High School
1). This website showed me pictures of a high school that was burnt down in 2007. A group of people in Detroiturbex superimposed pictures of the school when it was in use onto photos of the abandoned building now.
2). I learned that it is important to cherish every moment with photos because you never know when something might not be there.
A). I chose this photo because it just shows the kids having fun t their school compared to the abandoned theater in the school.
B). I see the rule of thirds.
C). I think another student took the photo.

Website #2: Storms 
1). This website showed me different pictures of storms that different people took all over the world. The pictures were so different from any other ordinary storm pictures. These photos captured different storms in different conditions.
2). I learned that there are different stages of storms that you can capture the photos at
3). the website would not let me save any photos but I saw a lot of rule of thirds and simplicity in the photos.

Website #3:Black and White Landscapes
1). This website showed me different places around the world and the photos taken there.. but in black and white. The photos taken looked more in depth.
2). I did not learn anything new from this website.
A). I chose this photo because I think it look s different.. it captures the fog over the water.
B). I see leading lines in the photo.
C). I don't know who took the photo

Website #4: The Dead Tree
1). This website showed me several pictures of a dead tree. The photos were taken at different times of the year and at different angles.
2). I did not learn anything new from this website.
3). The website would not let me post the photos but I saw a lot of simplicity along with some framing in the photos.

Website #5: Church
1). The website showed me different pictures of different churches and cathedrals  around the world. All the photos I saw were beautiful.
2). I did not learn anything new from this website.
A). I picked this photo because I thought it was beautiful.. it's not like your church you go to every Sunday.
B). The rule of patterns and symmetry are in this photo.
C). Pedro Szekely took this photo


24X36 pica


60X48 pica


Black and White

The End

30X42 pica

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome Back

Best Photos of 2013:

I really think this is one of the best photos because a little 5 year old boy had to battle Leukemia and he got the chance to live his dream by dressing up as batman. The people acted like it was actually Gothem City which made it eve more incredible.

I like this photo because I think this photo is phenomenal because it actually captures the storm and how the lightning hits the buildings. I think it looks beautiful.

This was my favorite photo because same-sex marriage is a civil rights issue a of the world and this photo shows many gays come together and have fun. This day was made just for them and no one can say or do anything about it.

Best Song of 2013:

Best Movie of 2013:

Most Important New Story of 2013:
The Cleavland Kidnappings

Most Important Person of 2013: 

Micheal Kors

 2013 was Miley Cyrus' year to show everyone who she was.  Miley is not the girl we know from Disney Channel anymore she has changed ad many people did not like it. Miley is just being herself and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. People tried to bring her down but nobody can stop her from being herself,

Magazine Cover